Script Reports

The following reports are generated using Google Sheets to compile information about your script. Inconsistent spellings of character and location names and alterations of scriptwriting conventions may produce varied results.

New Report

Using These Reports

For your convenience, we have provided three script reports in the tabs above. All reports can be downloaded as CSV files. CSV files are useful for integrating with a multiplicity of platforms, including importing data to spreadsheets and for marker files in your favorite DAW.

Location Report

The Locations Report lists unique scene headings, interior or exterior locations, and the number of times a location appears in a script.


You can download the CSV file to import into your own spreadsheet, where you can add notes and other information vital to your production.

Character Report

The Character Report lists your unique characters and the number of lines they have in your uploaded script.

image 1

This report can also be downloaded as a CSV. I find character reports helpful when casting. Line counts help me determine major and minor characters for arranging recording time and deciding a pay scale for actors.

Actions/SFX Report

By far my favorite report. the Actions/SFX Report lists all of the action blocks in order from your script. This is extremely handy for compiling SFX before post-production.

image 2

This report also downloads as a CSV. The file can be uploaded normally to a spreadsheet but uses column naming conventions used by Reaper’s marker import action. Start times for each marker are set to be 200 milliseconds (ms) apart for ease of movement to position markers on the timeline.

Use WriterDuet for more powerful reports

I’m a big fan of WriterDuet for collaborating on scripts with folks I write with. The pro version comes with some pretty phenomenal reports, including statistical reports on character complexity and ease of reading. If you want to see how I generate reports using WriterDuet, check out Breaking Down an Audio Drama Script.